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A little overview ...


Are you going to take the plunge? Congratulations to you both, and lots of happiness! I suggest you make this extraordinary day eternal, because as we know, it goes by too quickly!

Family sessions

Whether it's the lifestyle or reporting formula, the idea is to capture the essence of your life in real life. A freeze frame of a stage in your life, which you will consult tomorrow, as if it were yesterday...

Maternity sessions

Because your story with baby begins during pregnancy, keep a nice trace of these special moments, when you are preparing to give birth and become parents.

photographie lifestyle de grossesse maternité d'un couple touchant le ventre arrondi de la femme
Naissance-HD NANO-62.jpg

Newborn sessions


Baby is finally here and every day we see new progress. Give yourself a moment of break away from your  bubble to create lovely memories of these sweet and furtive moments, in which you will immerse yourself again with emotion when he is older.

Couple session

​A great opportunity to put everyday life on pause, and take the time to celebrate your love, whether you are a young couple, a pewter wedding, or even a diamond wedding. Your link deserves to be highlighted...

photographie lifestyle couple amoureux
Candice Fouliard Photographe mariage Yvelines / Val d'Oise

To follow me:

My on line gallery is here


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event work





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Legal Notice, CGU  et privacy policy

​I am a social photographer specializing in lifestyle reporting (family-couple-pregnancy, wedding), based in the Paris region, and mobile throughout France.


But not only ! I also work on event (associative, sporting) and societal projects which I find just as fascinating. Corporate for artisans also interests me.


To put it simply, everything that has to do with life and people, really. Don’t hesitate to contact me for your projects, and let’s create together! I am curious and passionate and I am keen to restore the authenticity and density of the subjects on which I work.

© 2034 by Candice Fouliard Photographe mariage Paris 

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